What Is TIA About?

Transient Ischemic Assault (TIA) is an ailment that can be very hazardous for the individuals who experience it. This can achieve mischief to neural connections and cause an extent of secondary effects, dependent upon the area and reality of the blockage. A TIA happens when there is a short obstruction of circulation system to the brain, which can persevere from two or three minutes to several hours. During this time, the individual could experience secondary effects like weakness or deadness on one side of the body, slurred talk, loss of vision in one or the two eyes, or inconvenience walking.

What Is TIA?


Though the symptoms of a TIA by and large determination quickly, it is imperative to search for clinical thought immediately if you suspect you or someone else may be experiencing a TIA. This is in light of the fact that a TIA can be a reprimand sign of a future stroke, which can be impressively more serious and make very tough damage the frontal cortex.

There are a couple of chance factors that can work on the likelihood of experiencing a TIA or stroke. These consolidate hypertension, smoking, diabetes, raised cholesterol, heaviness, and a family foundation of stroke or coronary disease. Clearing a path of life changes to diminish these gamble factors can help with hindering TIA and stroke.

In the occasion that still up in the air to have a TIA, your essential consideration doctor could recommend further testing to conclude the explanation and encourage a treatment plan to diminish the gamble of a future stroke. This could integrate imaging tests, for instance, a CT clear or X-beam, blood tests to check for risk factors like raised cholesterol or diabetes, and medication to help with hindering blood clusters and diminishing the gamble of another TIA or stroke.

Despite clinical treatment, there are a couple of lifestyle changes you can make to decrease your gamble of TIA and stroke. These include:

Stopping Smoking

Smoking is a critical gamble factor for TIA and stroke, and halting smoking can basically reduce your gamble.

Eating a Sound Eating routine

A practicing good eating habits diet that is high in natural items, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help with cutting down your gamble of TIA and stroke. It is a big deal to limit your confirmation of splashed and trans fats, salt, and added sugars.

Practicing Routinely

Conventional dynamic work can help with diminishing your gamble of TIA and stroke by chipping away at your overall prosperity and reducing other gamble factors, for instance, hypertension, raised cholesterol, and weight.

Overseeing Pressure

Continuous pressure can fabricate your gamble of TIA and stroke, so finding approaches to supervising pressure, for instance, practicing yoga or thought, contributing energy outside, or participating in relaxation exercises or activities you appreciate can be helpful.

Overseeing Constant Circumstances

If you have a persevering condition, for instance, hypertension, diabetes, or raised cholesterol, it is a seriously big deal to work with your essential consideration doctor to manage it effectively and reduce your gamble of TIA and stroke.

Overall, TIA is a serious illness that should be treated in a serious manner. Regardless of the way that it is ephemeral and generally settle quickly, it will in general be an early notification sign of a future stroke. By understanding the endanger factors and clearing a path of life changes to decrease your gamble, you can help with thwarting TIA and stroke and stay aware of incredible prosperity. If you or someone you realize experiences results of a TIA, search for clinical thought immediately to ensure genuine treatment.

What Is AskTia About?

Asktia is an electronic stage that helps individuals with studying their gamble of stroke or TIA, generally called a "smaller than expected stroke" or "cautioning stroke." The stage uses man-made thinking development to explore the client's clinical history, lifestyle factors, and other significant data to give a tweaked risk assessment. The mark of Asktia is to empower individuals to expect control over their medical services and abatement their gamble of stroke and TIA through informational resources and altered proposition.

What Is Asktia?

The necessity for Asktia rises out of the serious illnesses of stroke and TIA, which impact a large number of people all over the planet. Early intervention and treatment can have a monstrous impact in the outcome for individuals who experience a stroke or TIA, and security measures can help with decreasing the likelihood of encouraging these conditions. Nevertheless, numerous people may not be aware of their gamble or may not comprehend what steps they can take to lessen it.

Asktia offers a simple to utilize stage that beginnings with a prosperity assessment that presents requests about the client's clinical history, lifestyle factors, and other significant information. The recreated knowledge computations then explore the data to conclude the client's gamble of stroke and TIA and give redid proposition considering their gamble level. Clients can in like manner get to educational resources and gadgets to all the more promptly grasp their gamble factors and the means they can take to diminish their gamble.

One of the fundamental benefits of Asktia is its ability to give tweaked risk evaluations to stroke and TIA, which can be critical for individuals who may be at high gamble anyway have barely any familiarity with it. The stage furthermore proposes critical proposition considering the client's gamble level, empowering individuals to expect control over their prosperity and decline their gamble.

Asktia can in like manner be a huge gadget for clinical benefits providers, who can use the stage to study their patients' gamble of stroke and TIA and give modified ideas to countering and treatment.

It is basic to observe that Asktia is unquestionably not a substitute for clinical direction or finding. Clients who have results of stroke or TIA or who are stressed over their gamble should continually search for clinical thought from an ensured clinical consideration provider. Moreover, the gamble assessments given by Asktia rely upon the data given by clients, which may not be done or precise.

By and large, is an innovative stage that can help individuals with expecting control over their prosperity and abatement their gamble of stroke and TIA through redid risk evaluations and enlightening resources.

Who Is The Owner Of TIA?

Who Is The Owner Of TIA?

Carolyn Witte and Felicity Yost are the founders of TIA.

About Carolyn Witte

Carolyn Witte is an astounding business visionary who has made basic strides in ladies clinical benefits with her assisting with laying out of Tia. She was raised in California and went to Stanford School where she acknowledged her certificate in Science, Advancement, and Society. Carolyn's energy for clinical benefits advancement drove her to work for huge associations like Google, Dropbox, and Nextdoor prior to assisting with laying out Tia in 2017.

Tia is a ladies medical organization that is focused on giving comprehensive clinical consideration organizations to women. It offers an extent of organizations, including gynecological thought, fundamental thought, close to home prosperity organizations, and wellbeing support, which are custom fitted to meet the fascinating necessities of women. The association utilizes development to give redid clinical consideration game plans, making it an imaginative method for managing ladies clinical consideration.

Past her work with Tia, Carolyn is a vocal advertiser for ladies clinical issues. She has been featured in a couple of undeniable conveyances like Forbes, Speedy Association, and TechCrunch. Carolyn has moreover spoken at different get-togethers and events on topics associated with ladies prosperity, business, and advancement.

Overall, Carolyn Witte is a moving business visionary whose dedication to ladies clinical benefits is clear in the work she does at Tia. Her commitment to giving women creative clinical consideration plans, got together with her advancement for ladies clinical consideration issues, has procured her affirmation in the business to say the very least.

About Felicity Yost

Felicity Yost is a moving business visionary and prime ally of Tia, a ladies' medical care association that is centered around giving extraordinary clinical consideration organizations to women. She was raised in California and went to Harvard School, where she graduated with a degree in Applied Science and Monetary issues. Following two or three years in finance, Felicity decided to seek after her energy for ladies' medical services.

In 2017, she assisted with laying out Tia with Carolyn Witte. Tia is an association that is committed to empowering women to expect control over their prosperity and wellbeing by outfitting them with altered clinical benefits game plans. The association uses development to offer an extent of organizations, including gynecological thought, fundamental thought, mental prosperity organizations, and wellbeing support.

Felicity is serious solid areas for a for ladies' medical care administrations issues and is successfully drawn in with the Ladies' medical services Improvement Collusion. She has been featured in a couple of undeniable conveyances, including Forbes, TechCrunch, and Speedy Association, for her creative method for managing ladies' medical care administrations.

Felicity's energy for ladies' medical care is clear in her work with Tia, where she is centered around outfitting women with the clinical benefits organizations they need to dwell strong and fulfilling lives. Her commitment to chipping away at women's permission to clinical consideration organizations, got together with her expertise in development and business, has made her a precursor in the business.

Overall, Felicity Yost is an amazing business visionary and individual supporter of Tia, an association that is enormously affecting ladies' medical care. Her commitment to dealing with women's permission to clinical consideration organizations, close by her energy for women's clinical issues, is moving and fills in as a model for others in the business.

TIA Healthcare Services

TIA Healthcare is a ladies medical organization that has vexed how ladies access and get clinical benefits organizations. This association is committed to giving ladies the best thought possible through their exceptional method for managing altered care and cutting edge development.

TIA Healthcare

Something that isolates TIA healthcare from other clinical consideration providers is their commitment to laying out an exhaustive environment for ladies. They see that ladies come from various establishments and experiences, and they attempt to ensure that all patients feel regarded and respected. Their clinical benefits specialists are ready to give socially able thought, and they are focused on keeping an eye on the specific necessities of each and every patient.


TIA healthcare is in like manner based on giving ladies the most moderate clinical consideration advancement that anybody could expect to find. Their innovative application licenses patients to design game plans, talk with their clinical benefits gathering, and access tweaked prosperity information. Patients can similarly help prosperity updates and access their clinical records through the application, making it more direct to keep consistent over their clinical benefits needs.


The clinical benefits specialists at TIA healthcare are experts in their fields and are centered around keeping alert to-date with the latest clinical assessment and best practices. They give an extent of organizations to meet the exceptional necessities of ladies, including fundamental thought, gynecological thought, mental prosperity sponsorship, and wellbeing organizations.


As a general rule, TIA healthcare is a medical organization that is committed to additional creating ladies clinical consideration results. They center around tweaked care, state of the art advancement, and inclusivity to ensure that all patients get the best thought possible. Ladies who are looking for a clinical benefits provider that really grasps their exceptional clinical benefits needs should ponder TIA healthcare as their top choice.

TIA Female Health Services

TIA Female Wellbeing is a broad stage that bright lights on ladies' prosperity and wellbeing. It offers different components that take extraordinary consideration of the different pieces of female prosperity. From ladylike cycle following to giving supporting direction, TIA Female Wellbeing has got you covered.

TIA Female Health

One of the principal features of TIA Female Wellbeing is its month to month cycle following. With this instrument, you can screen your period, including the start and end dates, the stream, and any secondary effects you experience. This information can help you with recognizing any irregularities in your female cycle, which can be a sign of an essential clinical issue.

Despite period following, TIA Female Wellbeing in like manner gives empowering admonishment. It offers a tweaked diet plan that thinks about your age, weight, and any earlier clinical issue. This instrument can help you with coming to informed end results about your eating routine and assurance that you are getting the significant enhancements for ideal prosperity.

TIA Female Wellbeing moreover offers various activities that take exceptional consideration of ladies' necessities. The stage gives rec center routine timetables that accentuation on different locale of the body, similar to the abs, legs, and arms. These activities are planned to help you with achieving your health targets while recalling the specific necessities of ladies.

Furthermore, TIA Female Wellbeing offers a neighborhood comparative ladies who can offer assistance and direction. You can connect with various ladies, share your experiences, and gain from one another. This social class can be a wellspring of motivation and inspiration, especially during inconvenient times.

All things considered, TIA Female Wellbeing is vital gadget for any lady who requirements to take care of her prosperity and wellbeing. With its finished components and consistent neighborhood, Female Wellbeing offers ladies the essential gadgets to achieve ideal prosperity and wellbeing. A critical resource can help you with continuing with your best life, and we excitedly recommend looking at it!

Tia Women’s Health Services

Women’s health is a fundamental piece of in everyday clinical benefits, yet unfortunately, it regularly goes ignored. This is where Tia Women’s health comes in. Laid out in 2017 by means of Carolyn Witte and Felicity Yost, Tia Women’s health is a clinical practice that bases solely on ladies' clinical benefits needs.

Tia Women’s Health

The originators behind Tia Women’s health were both working at Google when they met and tracked down a typical excitement for Ladies' prosperity. They were bewildered by the shortfall of modified care and thought given to ladies' clinical benefits needs and decided to make a clinical practice that would outfit ladies with the thought they merit.


Tia Women’s health began by guiding investigation to all the more promptly grasp ladies' clinical benefits needs. They found that ladies regularly feel dismissed by the clinical benefits system, which prompts low prosperity capability and ongoing shortcoming results. Various ladies fight to find a clinical benefits provider who focuses on them, sees their inclinations in a serious way, and gives tweaked care.


Considering this information, the trailblazers behind Tia Women’s health set off determined to make a clinical practice that would determine these issues. They expected to make a space where ladies could get modified care and feel appreciated and maintained. They moreover expected to outfit ladies with induction to incredible clinical consideration organizations at a sensible cost.


Tia Women’s health acknowledges that clinical benefits should be an association between the patient and the provider, and that patients should be dynamic individuals in their clinical benefits adventure. The preparation is centered around empowering ladies to expect control over their prosperity by giving them the devices and resources they need to make informed clinical consideration decisions.


One of the key ways that Tia Women’s health draws in ladies is through its accentuation on neighborhood. The preparation outfits ladies with a consistent neighborhood they can communicate with various ladies and deal their clinical benefits experiences. Tia Women’s health acknowledges that making a sensation of neighborhood basic in propelling Ladies' prosperity and flourishing.


Tia Women’s health offers numerous organizations, including fundamental thought, gynecology, mental prosperity, productivity, prosperity educating, and virtual thought. The preparation gives extensive fundamental thought organizations, including yearly tests, inoculations, and screenings. They similarly offer thought for continuous conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid issues.


Despite standard clinical consideration organizations, Tia Women’s health sees the meaning of profound prosperity in ladies' overall prosperity and success. The preparation gives profound health organizations, including treatment and remedy organization. Tia Women’s health furthermore offers productivity coordinating and the chiefs' advantages and gives permission to extravagance testing and treatment.


Tia Women’s health gives prosperity educating organizations to help ladies with achieving their prosperity goals. The preparation works with ladies to make redid prosperity arrangements that address their amazing clinical benefits needs. Tia Women’s health similarly offers virtual thought organizations, including telehealth plans and online medication finishes off. The preparation gives a protected illuminating stage that grants patients to talk with their clinical benefits providers.


Since its laying out in 2017, Tia Women’s health on a very basic level influences ladies' clinical benefits. The preparation has helped countless ladies with accepting control over their prosperity by outfitting them with altered care and support. Tia Women’s health has moreover helped with extending Ladies' prosperity capability by giving them permission to educational resources and a solid neighborhood.


Tia Women’s health has also tried traditional clinical consideration models by focusing in on the unique clinical consideration needs of ladies. The preparation has shown the meaning of making a patient-centered clinical benefits knowledge, which might potentially additionally foster clinical consideration results and diminish clinical consideration costs.


In affirmation of its progression and impact, Tia Women’s health has gotten different distinctions. The preparation was named Tia's exceptional method for managing clinical benefits has assembled basic thought and acknowledgment from the two patients and clinical benefits specialists the equivalent. The association's commitment to drawing in ladies and giving modified care has been particularly basic, as it has helped with filling an opening in the standard clinical benefits system that much of the time overlooks the specific necessities of ladies.


One of the way Tia has isolated itself is by offering a total extent of organizations that go past the typical commitments of a fundamental thought community. Despite standard check-ups and tests, Tia gives different explicit organizations, for instance, pelvic floor treatment, productivity support, and mental wellbeing directing. These organizations are totally planned to address the specific prerequisites and stresses of ladies, and to give widely inclusive thought that thinks about both physical and significant thriving.


Another critical piece of Tia's method for managing clinical benefits is its emphasis on advancement and data driven care. The association utilizes different gadgets and stages to streamline correspondence among patients and providers, and to give redid care that is hand crafted to each individual's original necessities and tendencies. This consolidates an extraordinarily built electronic prosperity record system that licenses patients to get to their clinical records and talk with their providers from wherever, as well as a reenacted knowledge filled incidental effect checker that can help patients with choosing when to search for clinical thought.


However, perhaps most importantly, Tia's flourishing is joined in its commitment to connecting with ladies to accept control over their prosperity and success. This is clear in the association's patient-centered approach, which stresses preparing, correspondence, and facilitated exertion among patients and providers. By giving ladies the gadgets and resources they need to reach informed decisions about their prosperity, Tia is helping with making a more fair and open clinical consideration system that puts the necessities of patients first.

All things considered, Tia Women’s health tends to a new and creative method for managing clinical fundamental administrations nowadays. By focusing in on the uncommon necessities and stresses of ladies, and by giving tweaked care that considers both physical and up close and personal thriving, Tia is helping with filling an opening in the standard clinical benefits structure that has for quite a while been dismissed. With its highlight on development, data driven care, and patient reinforcing, Tia is setting one more standard for clinical benefits that is both others conscious and practical, and that puts the necessities of patients first.

TIA Clinic Facility

TIA clinic facility is an eminent medical care office that is revolved around giving women superb and modified clinical benefits organizations. They offer different organizations that deal with the unique clinical benefits needs of women, going from fundamental thought to close to home prosperity support.

TIA Clinic

At TIA Clinic, they have a gathering of experienced clinical benefits specialists who are committed to ensuring that patients get the best thought. Their PCPs, medical services experts, and other staff people are altruistic, understanding, and skilled in their specific fields. Patients can have certainty that they are all set when they visit TIA facility.

Something that isolates TIA clinic from other medical care providers is their use of advancement to additionally foster medical care results. They have cultivated an application that patients can use to design game plans, talk with their clinical benefits gathering, and access altered prosperity information. This imaginative method for managing clinical benefits makes it more clear for patients to keep consistent over their medical services needs.

Something different that goes with TIA clinic a mind blowing choice for women is their commitment to laying out an enticing and extensive environment. They understand that women come from various establishments and have exceptional medical care needs, and they try to ensure that all patients feel regarded and respected. Whether you are searching for routine thought or have express prosperity concerns, the staff at TIA clinic facility will work with you to encourage a tweaked care plan that resolves your issues.

As a rule, Facility is a fantastic medical services provider that is committed to additional fostering women's medical care results. Their accentuation on modified care, use of development, and commitment to inclusivity make them a top choice for women who are looking for a clinical benefits provider that truly centers around their prosperity and thriving.

TIA Clinic Insurance Plan

Being a medical care proficient is no basic achievement, and it goes with its sensible piece of risks. With the rising shortcoming to carelessness claims and other genuine cases, it's fundamental for clinical benefits providers to have extensive security incorporation. Luckily, TIA Office Insurance is here to offer specialty security consideration expressly uniquely designed to meet the exceptional necessities of medical care providers.

TIA Clinic Insurance

TIA Center Protection offers carelessness insurance consideration to a broad assortment of clinical benefits specialists, from specialists to medical services experts, dental trained professionals, and other brought together medical care specialists. Their consideration decisions integrate the two cases made and occasion approaches, and that infers that policyholders have the flexibility to pick the incorporation that best meets their necessities.

Which isolates TIA Center Protection from other insurance providers is its accentuation on modified consideration decisions. They understand that clinical benefits providers face varying degrees of danger dependent upon their area of preparing, region, and patient people. Consequently, TIA Center Insurance works personally with each client to accommodate their policy to meet their specific necessities.

Despite broad carelessness security incorporation, TIA Center Protection in like manner gives risk the board organizations to help policyholders with decreasing their receptiveness to genuine cases. These organizations integrate permission to electronic informative classes, risk the board studios, and on the spot advises with risk the leaders subject matter experts. By offering these organizations, TIA Office Security engages medical services providers to take proactive steps in protecting their practices.

Beside carelessness security consideration, TIA Facility Protection similarly offers an extent of other insurance things, for instance, computerized commitment security, work practices risk security, and general liability assurance to help clinical benefits providers with defending their practices.

By and large, TIA Facility Protection is a magnificent choice for medical care providers searching for complete insurance incorporation and chance organization organizations. Their modified methodology, expansive contribution with the medical services industry, and obligation to conveying unprecedented client support make them a trusted associate in helping medical services providers with having a strong feeling of safety in their practices. So if you're a clinical benefits provider searching for security incorporation, consider TIA Facility Protection to safeguard yourself and your preparation.


Insurance coverage

Primary Care

Yes! See below for the specific plans


Yes! See below for the specific plans


It depends on your plan. AskTia accepts some insurance plans.


TIA Pricing And Costs

Tia offers ladies a total medical care understanding through its enlistment program. This program is planned to give redid care to ladies, taking into account their unprecedented medical services needs. People are given out a dedicated gathering of medical services specialists who participate to give a reliable medical care knowledge.

TIA Pricing

The Tia enrollment integrates an extent of medical care organizations, for instance, gynecological thought, fundamental thought, mental prosperity organizations, and wellbeing support. Ladies who choose to pursue Tia's enlistment program can enjoy peace of mind acknowledging they approach a full set-up of medical services helps that take unique consideration of their exceptional prerequisites.

Despite induction to Tia's medical care organizations, people moreover approach Tia's high level prosperity stage. This stage outfits ladies with the ability to manage their medical services needs from the comfort of their own homes. The stage offers contraptions for following prosperity targets, booking plans, and talking with the Tia care bunch.

The enrollment program is open at a month to month or yearly participation charge, which covers all of the medical services organizations given by Tia. The cost of the enrollment could change depending upon the solitary necessities of each and every part, and Tia could offer adjusted assessing to take unique consideration of these solitary circumstances.

For the most part, Tia's enlistment program gives ladies a reliable and sensible medical services game plan that is changed to their exceptional necessities. With Tia, ladies can find concordance of cerebrum understanding that they approach an exhaustive medical services experience that deals with their particular necessities.

AskTia Career Opportunities

Asktia is a dynamic and innovative medical organization that offers strengthening work open entryways for medical services administrations specialists who are excited about ladies' medical services. With a promise to using advancement to additionally foster medical care administrations results and an accentuation on giving broad medical care experiences that deal with ladies' stand-out medical services benefits needs, Asktia is a fabulous spot to build a deep rooted in medical services administrations.

Ask Tia Career

One of the most captivating pieces of working for Asktia is the association's commitment to laying out a consistent and extensive work environment. Asktia values assortment and is centered around empowering an environment where all laborers feel regarded and maintained. This commitment to inclusivity and sponsorship can make Asktia an engaging work space for medical care administrations specialists who are looking for a positive and enabling working environment.

Another benefit of working for Asktia is the association's commitment to capable development and advancement. Asktia outfits its delegates with expected opportunities to drive their jobs and encourage new capacities, which can be a critical idea for medical services care specialists who are looking for opportunities to create and develop their fitness.

For medical care specialists who are enthusiastic about working with best in class advancement, Asktia offers animating opportunities to collaborate with tech specialists to cultivate new medical care administrations game plans. By furnishing the power of advancement, Asktia is endeavoring to additionally foster medical services care results for ladies and to give more altered medical care administrations experiences that meet ladies' exceptional medical care benefits needs.

Whether you are a specialist, support master, medical services overseer, or clinical colleague, Asktia offers an extent of calling potential entryways that can help you with building a satisfying and fulfilling business in medical services administrations. With an accentuation on advancement, inclusivity, and complete medical services administrations experiences, Asktia is an association that is truly devoted to additional creating medical services care results for ladies. Expecting that you are vivacious about ladies' medical care and looking for a completely exhilarating occupation opportunity, Asktia may be the best fit for you.

Ask Tia Locations And Addresses

Ask Tia Location

Here are the locations of all Ask Tia all over the world. 

Tia Los Angeles

Tia Silver Lake

Address: 3921 Sunset Blvd 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90029

Phone: 646-650-5337

Services offered: Gynecology, Primary Care, Wellness

Tia Santa Monica

Address: 1417 2nd Street, Unit D, Santa Monica, CA 90401

Phone: 646-650-5337

Services offered: Gynecology, Primary Care, Wellness

Tia New York

Tia Flatiron

Address: 30 E 23rd St, 7th floor, New York, NY 10010

Phone: 646-650-5337

Services offered: Gynecology, Primary Care, Wellness

Tia Soho

Address: 440 Broome St, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10013

Phone: 646-650-5337

Services offered: Gynecology, Primary Care, Wellness

Tia Williamsburg

Address: 62 N 3rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11249

Phone: 646-650-5337

Services offered: Gynecology, Primary Care, Wellness

Tia Phoenix

Tia Scottsdale

Address: 15051 N. Kierland Blvd

Suite #200 FB1

Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Services: Primary Care,Gynecology, Mental Health ,Wellness

Tia San Francisco

Address: 1500 Mission St

San Francisco, CA 94103

Services offered: Gynecology, Primary Care, Wellness

Tia Virtual Clinic

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